Welcome to the Pentwater Lake Association Website!

The Pentwater Lake Association (PLA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership organization, started in 1995. It operates strictly through volunteers, including the Board of Directors, which is elected at the annual meeting in June. The PLA is dedicated to preserving the environment, maintaining the health and welfare of the lake, and developing a greater sense of community. A membership fee and fund-raising activities cover the cost of its activities. Some of the activities of the PLA include: regular testing of lake water to determine the condition of the lake, helping fund an annual shoreline clean-up, periodic informational meetings and social activities, and a quarterly newsletter for members.

PLA normally meets monthly on the third Monday of the month at 6:30pm @ Centenary United Methodist Church (UMC) located at 82 S. Hancock St. Pentwater. (use the side door across from Village Office)

Membership in the Pentwater Lake Association is open to all individuals interested in the lake, its natural resources and water quality. Members do not have to own lake property in order to join the PLA. All are welcome!

The next meeting: MONDAY APRIL 21, 2025 @ 6:30pm

LOCATION: Centenary UMC 82 S. Hancock St. / Use the SIDE DOOR across from the Village Office
2023-24 OFFICERS President: Pat Hooyman (713) 825-1785 ahoymon1@gmail.com Vice-President: Tom Walter (231) 869-3217 mstwalter@gmail.com Treasurer: Rich Pugsley (586) 255-2642 richpugsley1@netscape.net Secretary: Beth Provencal (231) 740-3033 eaccb@aol.com


Mary Ann Bush (231) 923-6910 flowersma247@gmail.com Lynne Cavazos (231-869-5939 lcavazos5939@charter.net Dr. Ross Feltes (908) 872-6161 rmfeltes@gmail.com Pat Hooyman (713) 825-1785 ahoymon1@gmail.com Joan Menke-Schaenzer (402) 315-7462 joanms@me.com Joe Primozich (231) 869-8681 joeprimozich@gmail.com Beth Provencal (231) 740-3033 eaccb@aol.com Rich Pugsley (586) 255-2642 richpugsley1@netscape.net George Richey (231) 301-3668 georg421@charter.net Tom Walter (231) 869-3217 mstwalter@gmail.com Mike Smith (713) 203-7712 michael.smith49449@gmail.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR AnnaMae Bush (231) 869-3191 annamaebush@gmail.com

If you are interested in joining the PLA Board or becoming a volunteer, please contact Rich Pugsley by email or phone listed above.

Donations accepted by check to PLA PO BOX 825, Pentwater, MI 49449 or by clicking on the Donate button if prefer to use a credit card. THANK YOU!

NOTE: If you wish to specify which fund your donation goes toward, for example: the Youth Fishing Tournament, Watershed Committee, Scholarship Fund, or the General Fund, please send an email to Rich Pugsley, Treasurer @ richpugsley1@netscape.net