FROGBIT (see photo below)
European Frogbit is a free-floating aquatic plant sometimes rooted in shallow water. Leaves are small, 0.5-2.5 inches, round to heart-shaped, with a purple-red underside. Leaves form a rosette. Single flower with three white petals and yellow center may be visible from June to August.
European frog-bit plants resemble miniature water lilies. Plants can form dense mats, often among cattails or other shallow-water vegetation.
STARRY STONEWORT (see photo below)
Starry Stonewort is a grass-like macroalgae that is most easily identified by its white, 2-5 mm star shaped bulbils that are produced on clear threads called rhizoids. These bulbils can be found over the entire plant and throughout the year. Starry can also be identified by its uneven forking pattern, which is caused by the growth of short bracts from the branchlets. Branchlets are arranged in whorls of 5-8 with a large internodal space. Most stems and branchlets of starry stonewort are around 1 mm in diameter and the stem is smooth to the touch.